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Publicación de Ofertas + Base de Datos de profesionales + Employer Branding

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partners tecnoempelo

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y difusión de tus ofertas con nuestra red de partners en Internet

Talent Search

Más de 651.639 Tech Pros en la Base de Datos especializada más grande de España

Opciones de publicación de ofertas en

Puedes elegir entre publicaciones puntuales, publicación express si necesitas contratar con urgencia o tarifa plana para publicar de forma ilimitada

Job visibility Visible to candidates 60 days 15 days Urgente Tiempo Unlimited
Jobs editing Edit your job postings 24 hours 24 hours Tiempo Unlimited
Lifetime of the offer Depending on posting type From active to archived From active to archived Acciones ilimitadas
Job updating To the top of searh results Manual Manual Manual and/or Automatic
Acceso Base Datos CVs Créditos incluidos para destapar datos 5 créditos
(6 meses)
Acceso ilimitado
(15 días)
Acceso personalizado
Difusión metabuscadores y redes sociales Publicación en LinkedIn, Indeed, Google for Jobs...
Salary Benchmark Against comparable offers
Invite candidates to your jobs Ask them to apply to your job
Custom messages to candidates Show your interest


Provinces: Post your jobs in up to 5 provinces at no extra cost
Social Networks: We promote your offers through our social channels
Worldwide: Post your jobs to additional countries
Technologies: Define required technologies in your jobs for a better match
Urgent: Improve the visibility of your offers.
Your jobs will stick to the top of the search results.
Tech Pros Database: Access the biggest Tech Pros database in Spain
Microsite: Your webpage in tecnoempleo, with jobs and logo
Metrics: Check views and received applications to your jobs
Languages: Define required languages in your jobs
Confidential: Post your job without disclosing your company's name. Maximum confidentiality for your recruitment processes.

Specialists in Technology and Software Engineering

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Specialists in technological talent